(This chain is to the left once you enter the large room after a short hallway, look to your left and you'll see the chain, run up the slope, not down it). Kommentar von EskindaBlackrock Spire is an instance, which, as previously indicated, can be entered by traveling into Blackrock Mountain and going up the chain that would normally lead you down towards Blackrock Depths. You will then have the key to UBRS which not alot of people have. The fire will forge the seal into the Seal of Ascension.Īfter you release him just kill him and go back into LBRS to complete the quest. After this you mind control him and get him to breath a special fire that he has. To do this you just beat him down on health and it will say that his spirit is broken. To mind control you need to break his spirit. The dragon is found down by Ony's Lair in Dustwallow Marsh.

You will need a group for the next part which requires you to mind control a dragon named: Emberstrife.

When you get close enough he will mind control you and tell you were to go next. With this seal you will need 3 gems dropped off of 3 different bosses in the instance.All of them are not that high of drop rates but still there is some good gear in there and is worth running a few time.Īfter you get the 3 gems and combine them with the seal there is a NPC hiding in LBRS dressed as a orc. Kommentar von 8159For the key to UBRS you will get an item off of the mobs in LBRS called the Unadored Seal of Ascension.